Terry Fox Walk
Posted on September 28 2020Earlier in September Fort Christian participated in the 40th Anniversary of the Terry Fox Walk. We enjoyed the opportunity to get outside, enjoy the beautiful weather and raise money for such a great…
Earlier in September Fort Christian participated in the 40th Anniversary of the Terry Fox Walk. We enjoyed the opportunity to get outside, enjoy the beautiful weather and raise money for such a great…
Through a generous grant from Shell, and in collaboration with Elk Island Public Schools, we will break ground over the summer to create an outdoor learning space. This space will include local trees…
The Fort Saskatchewan Public Library is launching their summer reading program in a completely virtual way this year through Beanstack, a fun and interactive tool to log reading and participate in a variety…
The Fort Saskatchewan Emergency Assistance Fund is a resource available for families in Fort Saskatchewan. This Emergency Fund is intended for members of the community who are experiencing financial…
Grade 1-6 report cards will be published today at 3 p.m. To view your child's report card, log on to your PowerSchool Parent Portal and click on Communicating Student Learning. Junior High marks are…
Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) is committed to ensuring all parents and guardians of students within the Division have a chance to share their thoughts on the overall performance of their school and…
Thank you to those parents that attended our School Council meeting yesterday evening. At this meeting we discussed our current school fee structure, and posed specific questions about priorities.…
Our Grade 4-6 Choir did a great job representing Fort Christian at the Oil King's Sing for Santa on Saturday, December 7. It was a great evening of hockey and singing as well as getting to participate…
The system is ready to receive orders for our next hot lunch dates in January, February and March. The deadline for ordering and payment is Monday, December 16. To access the program, please click…
Because of Ski Hill conditions, our Ski Trip will be postponed. Thursday, January 9th is the new date!
Please join us this Thursday, May 23 at Fort Saskatchewan Alliance Church for our Fort Christian Fine Arts Night! It will be an exciting evening as our Junior High Drama Club presents "The Enchanted…
A big thank you to our School Council for spoiling our staff during staff appreciation week! Every day there was a surprise in the staff room following a Disney theme. Their creative talents were amazing…
A huge thank you to all our Fort Christian families and supporters that came out to our annual auction last Friday night! It was a fantastic evening filled with great fellowship, food and laughs! Net…
The Fort Christian Annual Auction is set for Friday, May 3. The auction will be held at Heartland Alliance Church in Sherwood Park at 6pm. Please join us for an amazing night of fun and fellowship! Many…
Thank you to all those that attended our Grandparents & Special Persons Chapel on Tuesday, March 19. We had approximately 220 guests attend! We acknowledge the importance of these people to the structure…
Congratulations to all our basketball teams on a wonderful season! Special recognition to our Junior Girls team who won gold! A big thank you to all the parents, coaches and players that made this…
We were blessed with a wonderful evening of laughter and celebrating 40 years of faith-filled learning at Fort Christian. A big thank you to all those that came to celebrate with us! Approximately 290…
We are inviting former students, as well as current and former parents, staff and pastors who have been a part of our great school over the years. If you’d like to attend our celebration, please contact…
This week was an exciting week for our volleyball teams! All of our teams received medals in the finals. Sr. Girls - Gold, Sr. Boys - Gold, Jr. Girls - Silver, Jr. Boys - Bronze! Way to go Warriors!! …
Fort Christian is hosting the Sr. Warriors Volleyball Invitational tournament this weekend, September 28 & 29. Come out and cheer on our Sr. Girls and Sr. Boys team. It will be a great weekend of…