Day 7

Today is are last full day in Vancouver, we spent 7 days together with people we normally wouldn’t probably be with on the regular. I have no regrets on going on this trip. One group we helped was this organisation that cut and dried vegetables, later would pack and ship out all the bags of dried vegetables as dried soup. Hearing their story on how they save so many people an dosage so much food that would have normally gone to waste but instead they turned it into millions of meals for people who need it. Other the that we just went shopping and bowling together as a class. As I’m righting this every one is cleaning up their cabin to see who will have to clean the bus. This trip is one I will/hopefully will never forget, I got to meet so many people, hear their story and feed them. Realising how some people live In a day to day basis is so sad, I’ll be complaining that I’m cold and tired but at the end of the day I get to go back to camp, have some food and sleep in a warm bed…… while all the people I’ve met who are on the streets don’t, and it really sad and hard to fully take in. Part of me wishes I could have done more for them but even if I worked every day I’d my life trying to help all these people it wouldn’t be enough, so instead for one week we did what we could to help and hopefully make their day. I’m so sad this is ending and wish I could stay another week but I’m happy we’re going home and I know I will never forget this. I know I was supposed to write about are day but since it the last day I can’t but not write about the whole week. Thank you everyone who made this trip happen, I’m ever so great full for everyone who let this happen and everyone who spent countless hours putting this trip together, thank you. - Jayna :)